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Updated: Mar 13, 2021


To remove natural as well as added impurities and make the cotton material highly absorbent without damaging it.



The given cotton material is weighted accurately. The material is then steeped in the solution containing sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and turkey red oil at 40o c.The temperature of the solution is increased to 100o c and it is scoured for 120 minutes. Saponification reaction and emulsification reaction takes place during this time which will convert all the insoluble material to soluble form. Then it is subjected for hot wash, cold wash with water and it is dried.

Mechanism of Scouring:

  1. Saponifiable oils are converted into soaps,

  2. Proteins are hydrolysed into soluble products,

  3. Amino compounds are hydrolysed and dissolved,

  4. Pectins are converted into soluble pectases,

  5. Mineral matter is dissolved, & unsaponifiable oils are emulsified,

  6. Dirt particles are removed and held in suspension.


Result :

The given grey cotton sample material was scoured and percentage of weight loss after scouring was calculated.

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