To dye the given polyester materials using disperse dye stuff with the required percentage of dye.

The Dye bath is set with 1g/l wetting agent, 1 g/l Dispersing agent and 3g/l carrier at 400C. The material is worked in the blank bath for 15 minutes for the carrier gets uniformly absorbed. The well dispersed dye (dispersed dye pasted with wetting agent and dispersing agent) is then added and the temperature raised to boil within 30 minutes. The pH of the bath is maintained at 6.5 by adding acetic acid (1 g/l) for the activation of phenol. The dyeing is continued at boil for 2hours. The material after dyeing is raised and soaped at boil with 2 gpl soap and 2gpl caustic soda at 800C for half an hour to remove residual carrier. This is important as its presence impairs the fastness to light of the dyed material and it causes irritation of the skin and gives unpleasant odor.

The given polyester sample material was dyed with disperse dye.