SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is done to identify and analyze the Strengths and weaknesses of an organization, as well as the opportunities and Threats revealed by the information you have gathered on the external environment.
Benefits of SWOT Analysis
It is done to develop a plan that takes into consideration many different internal and external factors and maximizes the potential of the strengths and opportunities while minimizing the impact of the weaknesses and threats.
SWOT Analysis of Quality Control
Quality check is done to check the quality and defects in the fabric and meet the requirements of the customer in the fabric. Quality control workings start as soon as the fabric is in the wet treatment department.
Quality control of fabric increases the product quality.
With the help of quality control, the customer gets mentally satisfied that the fabric or garment he is purchasing is of good quality.
We can fulfill the customer's requirements that whether he requires a first quality fabric or second quality fabric.
Advantages include better products and hence higher revenue from having more satisfied customers.
It increases the repo of the company or any organization.
It can be helpful to win customers’ trust.
The whole length of fabric can consume so much time.
The main disadvantage of this is companies may not see the value of this process.
Many companies see this as an unnecessary step in production that will lower the quality of products.
If defect levels are very high, the company’s profitability will suffer unless steps are taken to tackle the root causes of the failures.
A major problem is that individuals are not necessarily encouraged to take responsibility for the quality of their work.
It does include needing more manpower/operations to maintain quality control and adding more time to the initial process.
Quality control of the fabrics is being transferred towards digital systems which can detect more precisely the strength and quality of the fabric.
E-textiles techniques have been employed to set the high-quality standards of checking fabric.
High moisture in fabric storage can cause algae and fungus to attack fabric.
The weak eyesight of the fabric inspector can skip some defects.
The use of low-intensity light will be a problem in the detection of defects.
There might be a defect in the inspection tool.
Dim light makes the fabric as it has fade color.
The dust in the air can show a fabric as it is not singed.
Greater humidity can cause variation in reading.
SWOT Analysis of Singeing
Singeing is a process by which projecting or floating fibers, stand out on the surface of the fabric are burned off. It is done to remove hairy fibers projecting on the surface of the cloth and given a smoothen surface, to enhance optical levelness of the dyeing and clean-out lines of a printing design, to increase luster in the finished fabric, and to prepare the fabric for the next process.
Singeing improves the end uses and the wearing properties of the fabric.
The structure of the fabric becomes clearer and smooth.
It reduces pilling in blended fabrics containing synthetic fibers.
It reduces the soiling of textile materials.
Printing on the singed fabric gives a clear image.
It facilitates and speeds up desizing if the desizing is done soon after the singeing process.
Dyeing done after singeing takes up less dye as compared to unsigned fabric.
Singeing can cause weight loss in fabric.
It degrades the fabric like silk wool.
Uncontrolled singeing decreases the fabric strength.
It can reduce the thickness of textile material.
Uneven singeing causes streaks in the fabric when dyed.
Possibility of thermal damage to temperature-sensitive fibers such as polyester.
Stop-offs can cause heat bars on the fabric surface.
If singeing is done after dyeing heat can cause color loss from polyester, because of sublimation of dye.
Incomplete singeing can cause variation in the next wet processes.
Uneven singeing across the fabric width or along the fabric length can be insufficient for proper dyeing and printing.
Due to insufficient energy supply, it can cause small beads of molten materials
Nano-technology is imparting a new way to wet textile processes like singeing.
By increasing the intensity up to some desired extent quality of singeing can be enhanced.
Osthoff singeing is the advanced machine operating for singeing fabric inefficient.
The gas used in gas singeing machines can cause pollution in the environment and do its part in the greenhouse effect.
The fibers coming from the exhaust chamber can cause air pollution.
The fire produced in the fabric can cause great harm to the workers and the environment.
In India, the gas Price is the main problem so the gas singeing machines are affected.
A worker who is not so skilled in this field may cause a production loss.
Power and energy crises are also a great problem in singeing.
Heat rollers cause of stripes in the fabric.
SWOT Analysis of Water
Water is a universal solvent. It is used in desizing, scouring, bleaching, mercerizing, dyeing, and printing fibers and fabrics.
Soft water is good for health and textile processing.
Water is a good solvent and dissolves almost every dye and printing pigment.
There has been research that shows that drinking hard water can decrease the risk of heart attacks.
Very hard water can be a small contributor to the daily needs of calcium and magnesium.
Soft water uses a less amount of household cleaning products such as detergents.
Using soft water saves on personal cleanliness products such as shampoo or face wash.
By using soft water we can expect longer life for appliances, including washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters.
Very hard water can be used to prepare salt.
In boilers turbidity of water increases the deposition of hard scale reduce the efficiency and life of the boiler.
Iron salts because yellow tints to white materials during scouring and bleaching and may cause catalytic decomposition of bleaching agents and degradation of textile material.
In dyeing iron in water may form complex compounds with some dyes causing the dulling effect. ¸ Excessive alkalinity may interfere in the dyeing and finishing process.
Hard water causes poor leveling in dyeing and can form a precipitate of dye causing dull shades. ¸ Clothes laundered in hard water may feel harsh and scratchy.
Dishes and glasses washed by hard water may be spotted when dry.
Water flow may be reduced by deposits in pipes and showerheads due to hard water.
Heated hard water forms a scale of calcium and magnesium minerals that can contribute to the inefficient operation or failure of water-using appliances.
Soft water is not safe to be used in steam iron because it contains minerals.
Polluted water can be purified by some techniques like boiling, sunlight exposure, chlorination, flocculation, filtration-straining, or three pot method. All these methods have their benefits but all of them can not remove all the bacterial and organic impurities.
During soap or dyeing in industry, the unwanted interference of heavy metals in water can be reduced by the use of sequestering agents.
Making the water slightly alkaline ensures that coagulation and flocculation processes work effectively and also helps to minimize the risk of lead being dissolved from lead pipes and lead solder in pipe fittings.
There are many causes for water pollution but two general categories exist direct and indirect contaminant sources.
Direct sources include effluent outfalls from factories, refineries, waste treatment plants, etc. That emits fluids of varying quality directly into urban water supplies.
SWOT Analysis of Desizing
Desizing is done to remove sized material from yarns of fabrics.
Desizing enzymes that act only on starch are easily available, less risky as compared to acid desizing.
Desizing Enzymes are quite specific in their action on a particular substance.
Activity of the enzymes increases with temperature, up to a certain limit.
A small quantity of enzyme is able to decompose a large quantity of the substance it acts upon.
The advantage of acid desizing is that cotton fibers can be de-mineralized more easily.
In acid desizing the insoluble salts are solubilized by acids making the removal of such troublesome metals such as iron more thorough.
Rot steeping method is the cheap one and it utilizes no chemicals.
Oxidative desizing can also perform the bleaching function.
Desizing lowers the weight of fabric as the starch is removed from fabric.
Desizing Enzymes are quite specific in their action on a particular substance. So we cannot use one enzyme to act on another substance.
At very high temperature enzymes are deactivated so desizing efficiency is lowered.
In oxidative desizing, the risk of damage to the cellulose fiber is very high, and its use for desizing is very rare.
Acid desizing affects the cellulose fiber in cotton fabrics.
Rot steeping method of desizing is very time consuming.
Plasma desizing is latest desizing technique prevailing in industry and replacing ordinary technique.
Effective enzymes are giving good results.
Natural compounds have been synthesized to remove the size material from the fabric not to damage the fibrous part.
Electrolysis process has been in progress which would be free of hazardous chemicals and gases emission.
As desizing cause a weight loss in fabric so it will not fulfill the customer requirement. Or the customer will not be mentally satisfied.
Too much time consumed in some desizing methods.
External temperature can become retardant in the desizing process.
Inexperienced labor makes it a cost effective process.
Acidic desizing can damage the fibres, also can be hazardous to use.
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