Title: The Apparel Industry
Author: Richard M. jones
Note: This is pdf no physical copy is sent.
- What is the apparel industry?
- The apparel industry in the UK - Current size and Structure.
- The apparel sector in the Global Economy.
- The Role of Labour Cost and Theories of Development.
- The Facts: UK Apparel Trade - The Current Trade Position.
- The Concept of Globalisation.
- The Response to Global Shift - Strategic Imperatives and the Diamond Framework.
- Issues in Offshore Production Strategies.
- The Role of Trade Barriers and Exchange Rate Fluctuations in the Global Apparel Market.
- The Economics of the UK Apparel Market.
- Emerging Markets and the Globalisation of the UK Apparel Industry.
- Conclusion and Lessons for the Future.
The Apparel Industry
SKU: APL0001